Gameplay Programmer, 3D Character Artist, Junior Affiliate Manager, Creative Strategy Lead, Game UX Designer and 50 more games industry job ads. Check out our weekly top! 👇

👉 Programming
Gameplay Programmer II (Unreal) (Program-Ace) Remote
Unity Developer Middle+ (UGI studio) Remote
Back-End Developer (Yii) (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
Gameplay Programmer (Mid/Sr) (Redhill Games) Helsinki, Nicosia
(Senior) Developer (m/f/d) (Cureosity) Dusseldorf
C++ UE Developer UI (GSC Game World) Kyiv, Prague
Lead Programmer (The Farm 51 Group) Gliwice
Code Sorceress/Sorcerer (MATABOO) Warsaw
👉 Art
Art Team Lead (3D) (tinyBuild) Belgrade
3D-Аниматор (Lesser Evil Games) Yerevan
2D Artist (Hypercell Games) Remote
Lead 2d Environment Artist (Values Value) Remote
2D Project Lead Artist(Merge project) (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
2D Artist Middle+ (UGI studio) Remote
Art Director (Rosetta Gaming) Krakow
3D Generalist (BoomBit) Gdansk
3D Character Artist (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
👉 Game Design
Game Designer (tinyBuild) Remote
Game Designer (PlayMe Studio) Kyiv
Game UX Designer (G5 Entertainment) Kyiv, Warsaw, Yerevan
Game Designer Middle+ (UGI studio) Remote
Lead Game Designer (CM Games) Remote
Intern Game Design & Monetization (Gameforge AG) Karlsruhe
Technical Designer (Sperasoft) Warsaw
Game Designer (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
Technical Designer / Scripter (Redhill Games) Helsinki, Nicosia
Level Designer (UE) (Decartel) Remote
👉 QA / Testing
Middle / Senior QA-инженер (Lesser Evil Games) Yerevan
QA Engineer (SuperPlay) Remote
Middle QA Engineer (office work) (Pushka Studios) Dnipro
Czech Localisation QA Tester (SEGA Europe Limited) London
Test Automation Engineer a.k.a. Trail Warlock (Vile Monarch) Warszawa
Data QA & Operations (CrazyLabs) Skopje
Dev Test Engineer (2K) Valencia
👉 Management / C-Level
Project Manager (tinyBuild) Remote
COO (Values Value) Remote
Associate Porting Producer (tinyBuild) Remote
Product Manager (PlayMe Studio) Kyiv
Senior Producer (Stratosphere Games) Berlin
Product Manager (Talentgrator) Riga
Senior Producer (Sumo Group plc) Leamington Spa
Senior Producer (Techland) Wrocław
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Head of UA (FLIME by Gismart) (Gismart) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (PlayMe Studio) Remote
Junior Affiliate Manager (Talentgrator) Kyiv,Warsaw
Creative Strategy Lead (Zynga) London
Business Analyst (m/f/d) (Koch Media GmbH) Madrid
Marketing Manager (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
Head of Monetization (Reality Games) Kraków
👉 Analytics
Games Data Analyst (Stratosphere Games GmbH) Berlin
(Senior) Data Engineer (d/f/m) (gamigo AG) Hamburg
(Senior) Product Analyst (Ten Square Games S.A) Wrocław
Data Warehouse Engineer (Sony Interactive) London
Game Analyst (Kensana Entertainment) Remote
Game Math Developer (RubyPlay) Remote
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