Here are the latest job openings in the games industry, curated by InGame Job and Values Value! Jumpstart your career or elevate it to the next level.

👉 Programming
Backend C++ Developer (Values Value) Limassol
Senior Backend Engineer (Wargaming) United Kingdom
Full stack Lead/Architect (Rust/React) (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Animation Programmer (4A Games) Kyiv,Malta
Unity Developer (Hitapps) Remote
C++ Developer (Volmi – A Virtuos Studio) Kyiv
Unreal Engine Developer (Artifex Studios) Remote
👉 Art
Technical Animator (Eschatology Entertainment) Remote
Senior 3D Environment (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Montenegro
2D Artist (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Vilnius
3D Animator (Blender) (Octo Games Studio) Remote
Senior UX/UI Designer (Wargaming) Belgrade,Nicosia,Vilnius
Middle UI/UX Designer Gamedev(Mobile) (Eventyr) Remote
Graphic Designer (Asterman) Vilnius
2D Animator (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Technical Artist (Lucid Reality Labs) Remote, Poland
👉 Game Design
Lead/ Principal Combat Designer (Values Value) Kyiv
Senior Game Designer/ Feature Owner (Joyteractive) Remote
Balance Game Designer (New Project) (Belka Games) Remote
Level Designer (PC Shooter) (FARCANA) Remote
Technical Game Designer (Glera Games) Vilnius
Technical Game Designer (G5 Entertainment AB) Belgrade
Game Design Intern (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
Game Designer (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (Spades) (ZIMAD) Remote
QA Lead (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Manual QA Engineer (GAMETEQ) Georgia
QA Game Tester (Junkineering) Remote
Senior Manual QA (Lucid Reality Labs) Remote, Poland
QA TEAM LEAD (devtodev) Remote, Cyprus
👉 Management / C-Level
Producer (Values Value) Remote
Assistant to the Lead Game Designer (Octo Games Studio) Remote
Product Manager (Web Games) (ZIMAD) Remote
Senior Product Manager (Speedway Games) Remote
Game Producer (Glera Games) Remote
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Senior User Acquisition (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia,
Monetization Manager (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland
Influencer and Community Manager (Values Value) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (middle/senior) (ZIMAD) Remote
Head of Marketing (Hitapps) Remote
Organic Acquisition Team Lead (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
Marketing Manager (SEOBROTHERS) Limassol,Warsaw
👉 Analytics
Data Analyst (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior Marketing Analyst (AXLEBOLT) Remote
Game Analyst (ZIMAD) Remote
Lead Product Analyst (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Middle+ Product Analyst (SayGames) Remote
Data Engineer (PSV Game Studio) Remote