
Top Job openings 22 August — 28 August 2024


Check out the list of current games industry job openings for this week, curated for you by the InGame Job and Values Value teams. From diverse genres to verified positions across various levels and specialties, we’ve got you covered 🌟

Top Job openings 22 August — 28 August 2024 - Boost InGame Job

👉 Programming

C++ Game Developer (Ubisoft) Kyiv

Unreal Engine C++ developer (Redpad Games)  Almaty, Remote

Senior Unreal Developer (Red Rift)  Remote, United States

Senior C++ Developer (Glera Games)  Remote

Senior .NET Developer (Gamedev) (Whimsy Games) Remote

Senior Engine Programmer (4A Games)  Malta, Ukraine

Playable Ad Game Developer (Estoty LLC) Riga

👉 Art

Senior 3D Character (Belka Games) Remote, Georgia, Relocate Montenegro

3D Artist (Middle Level, in GameDev) (QUMARON)  Remote

Motion Designer (Hypercell Games) Remote

UI/UX Designer (Values Value) Remote

Senior/Lead 3D Animator (Ubisoft) Kyiv

👉 Game Design

Level Designer (Cryptogram) (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland

Level Designer (Eschatology Entertainment) Cyprus, Remote

Senior Level Designer (Belka Games)  Remote, Relocate Georgia, Montenegro

Game Designer (Middle Level, in GameDev) (QUMARON)  Remote

Lead Game Designer (Frogwares) Kyiv

Game Economy Team Lead (Glera Games) Remote

Senior Economy\Balancing Designer (N-iX Game & VR Studio)  Remote, Ukraine

👉 QA / Testing

Middle QA Engineer (Casual Games) (Neskin Stars)  Remote, Georgia

Senior QA specialist (Queen Interactive Games)  Remote, Cyprus

QA Engineer (Speedway Games)  Remote

UI QA Engineer (Strikerz Inc.) Remote, Cyprus, Georgia

QA Engineer (Casual Mobile Games) (Plummy Games)  Remote, Estonia

Mobile QA (Trainee / Junior) (RetroStyle Games)  Remote

Manual QA Engineer (Junior) (MysteryTag) Kyiv

👉 Management / C-Level

Lead Producer (mobile puzzle game) (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania

Game Producer (RnD) (Belka Games) Remote

Lead Project Manager / Delivery manager (FARCANA)  Remote

Senior Product Manager (BrainRocket) Limassol

Senior Product Manager/Game Producer (Speedway Games)  Remote

Project Manager (BERESNEV GAMES)  Remote

Associate Game Producer (Frogwares) Kyiv

Production Director Assistant (Volmi – A Virtuos Studio) Kyiv

👉 Marketing / UA / PR

User Acquisition Maneger (Values Value) Remote

UA Producer (Belka Games) Remote  Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania, Montenegro

User Acquisition Manager (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland

ASO manager (ZIMAD) Remote

Senior UA Manager (Facebook) (Hitapps) Remote

Creative Producer (FreePlay) Remote

Marketing Specialist, ASO (Speedway Games) Remote

👉 Analytics

Data Analyst (Hypercell Games) Remote

Lead Product Analyst (Joyteractive)  Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Moldova

Product Analyst (BERESNEV GAMES) Remote

Senior Product Analyst (Glera Games) Remote

Lead Marketing Analyst (AppQuantum) Remote Cyprus

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