Uncover your next gaming adventure and unlock the path to your dream job with the Weekly Games Industry Job Top, curated by InGame Job and Values Value. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, let us guide you towards the ultimate career breakthrough 😎

👉 Programming
Technical Designer (Unity) (Crooto Software Ltd.) Cyprus, Remote
Unity Developer (Values Value) London
Senior Full-stack Developer (Belka Games) Remote
Middle C++ Engine Programmer (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
C++/UE5 MID Developer (Byte Barrel) Gdansk
Full-stack Tools Developer (Kotlin) (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Animation Programmer (Vostok Games) Kyiv
Junior UE4/C++ developer (gamedev) (Farom Studio) Remote, Ukraine
👉 Art
Senior UI Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Lithuania, Montenegro, Ukraine
2D Puzzle Grind Artist (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine
3D Artist (Material/Texture) (VSQUAD studio) Dnipro
Senior Environment Artist (Wargaming) Prague
VFX Artist (Rosetta Gaming) Krakow
Art Director – Casual Games (DevsData LLC) Warsaw
Promo Designer (GSC Game World) Remote
Real-time VFX artist (Walla Walla Studio) Kyiv
👉 Game Design
Game Designer (Values Value) Remote
Location Level Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Lithuania, Montenegro
Monetization manager (game designer) (Playkot) Belgrade
Senior Game Designer (DogHowl Games) Kyiv
Senior Level Designer (m/f/d) (King Art) Bremen
Game designer (Beatshapers) Remote
Game Economy Designer (Junkineering) Remote
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Lithuania, Montenegro
Middle QA Manual (Program-Ace) Relocate
Manual QA (Holmgard Games) Remote
QA Engineer (Reyo Media) Remote, Cyprus
QA Engineer (Scorewarrior) Relocate Cyprus
Senior QA Analyst (Techland) Warszawa
Game QA Engineer (CipSoft) Regensburg
👉 Management / C-Level
Project Manager (Crooto Software) Cyprus, Remote
Associate Producer (Ubisoft) Remote, Ukraine
Project Manager (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania, Montenegro
GAME PRODUCER (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Ukraine
Game Producer (TwinWinGames) Remote,, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine
Project Manager (GAMEPACK) Remote, Ukraine
Game Producer/Product Manager (Speedway Games) Remote
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Marketing Manager (Crooto Software) Remote
Marketing Creative Director (Belka Games) Limassol,Vilnius
Chief Marketing Officer (Hitapps) Remote
Marketing Lead (HyperVR Games) Remote, Relocate Latvia
Lead User Acquisition Manager (VIZOR APPS) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania
Junior Support Marketing Manager (APPSULOVE) Remote
👉 Analytics
Маркетолог-аналитик (Crooto Software) Remote
BI Analyst (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania, Montenegro
Senior Product Analyst (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Senior Analyst, Competitive Analysis (Sony Interactive) London
Data Analyst (m/f/d) (PLAION) Munich
Data Scientist (all genders) (gamigo group) Hamburg
Expert Analyst (CD PROJEKT RED) Warszawa
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