Discover the hottest games industry jobs in our weekly top, brought to you by InGame Job and Values Value. Your dream job could be just a click away! Check out 👇

👉 Programming
Technical Designer (Unity) (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote
Lead Unity Developer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Gameplay Programmer (Values Value) Remote, Relocate Czech Republic
Unity Team Lead (Kevuru Games) Kyiv
Gameplay/Engine Programmer (4A Games) Kyiv
Animation Programmer (Vostok Games) Kyiv
Unity Developer (Vira Games) Remote
C++/UE5 MID Developer (Byte Barrel) Remote, Gdańsk
👉 Art
Lead UI/UX Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Motion designer (Hypercell Games) Remote
Middle 2D Artist (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
2D Puzzle Grind Artist (G5 Entertainment ) Remote, Poland, Ukraine
3D Character Artist (Values Value) Remote
Senior 3D Animator ( Warsaw
Technical Artist (DGN Games) Vinnitsa
Technical Artist (HyperVR Games) Remote, Relocate Latvia
UI/UX Designer (Burny Games) Ukraine
👉 Game Design
Senior Level Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Senior Game Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Middle Game Designer (Scorewarrior) Relocate Cyprus
Lead Game Designer/Producer (iriSmart Recruiting (Gamedev)) Vilnius
++Middle/Senior Game Designer (AppLife Limited) Limassol
Intern* Game Design & Monetization (Gameforge) Karlsruhe
Lead Game Designer / Producer (Highcore) Remote
Middle/Senior Game Designer (Glera Games) Remote
Quest-Level Designer (Frogwares) Remote, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Game QA Automation Lead (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Poland, Ukraine
QA Specialist (Playgendary) Remote
Senior QA Engineer (iriSmart Recruiting (Gamedev)) Relocate, Cyprus, Poland
Web/Backend QA Engineer (APPSULOVE) Remote
Staff Software Development Engineer in Test (Sony Interactive) Waterloo
Test Automation Engineer (KING) Barcelona
👉 Management / C-Level
Head of Product/ Product Manager (Values Value) Remote
GAME PRODUCER (G5 Entertainment) Remote Ukraine
Publishing Lead (HyperVR Games) Remote, Relocate Latvia
Project Manager (UGI studio) Remote
Game Producer/Product Manager (Speedway Games) Remote
Game Lead – Casual Games (Voodoo) Paris
Game Director (Techland) Warszawa
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Creatives Team Lead (Belka Games) Limassol,Vilnius
User Acquisition Manager (Hypercell Games) Remote
Marketing Lead (HyperVR Games) Relocate, Remote, Latvia
Marketing Creatives Producer (Burny Games) Remote, Ukraine
Marketing Specialist (Dreams Quest) Remote
Middle/Senior User Acquisition Manager (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Associate Market Development Manager (Pokémon Company) London
👉 Analytics
Senior Marketing Analyst (Belka Games) Relocate, Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania,
Product Analyst (Hypernova) Remote
Data Analyst (Plummy Games) Chisinau
Senior Marketing Analyst (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Cyprus,
Data Engineer (f/m/d) (Kolibri Games) Berlin
Game Data Analyst (Sony Interactive) London
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