Junior PR & Marketing Specialist, Product analyst, QA Producer, Gameplay
Programmer, 2D Casual Artist and 52 more jobs in the video game industry. Check out

👉 Programming
Gameplay Programmer (Ubisoft) Remote
Senior Unity Developer/Lead Developer (Hypercell Games) Remote
Unity Developer (Secret Neighbor, IOS) (tinyBuild) Lviv
Front-End Developer (Plure) Kyiv
Frontend developer (Big Fish Games) Lviv
Backend Developer – FPS Shooter Game Project (Lila Games) Bangalore
GAME DEVELOPER C++ (Gameloft) Sofia
Front-End Game Developer (Playsoft Games) Gdansk
👉 Art
2D Casual Artist (APPSULOVE) Remote
Lead 3d Character Artist (VALUES VALUE) Kyiv
Lead UI/UX Designer (m/f/d) (Limbic Entertainment) Langen
Technical Artist (Thundermark) Remote
3D Animator – Middle level (Holmgard Games) Remote
Lead 3D Animator (MADFINGER Games) Brno
Art Director (Iron VR S.A.) Gliwice
Technical Artist (Sylen Studio) Krakow
Junior 3D Artist (Moonmana) Gdansk
👉 Game Design
Senior Game Designer (tinyBuild) Remote
Technical Game Designer (APPSULOVE) Remote
Senior F2P Game Designer (Hit Box Games LLC) Remote
Lead Game Designer (Belka Games) Vilnius
Senior Gamedesigner / Producer (Casual RnD) (BERESNEV GAMES) Prague
Intern Game Design & Monetization (Gameforge AG) Karlsruhe
Game Designer (BoomBit S.A.) Gdansk
Senior Writer (Project Dolly) (11 bit studios) zdalnie
Level Artist (Bloober Team) zdalnie
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (tinyBuild) Lviv
QA Producer (arcade) (Playgendary) Remote
QA Team Lead (web) (TwinWinGames) Remote
QA Lead (Frostpunk 2) (11 bit studios) Warszawa
Compliance QA Tester (People Can Fly) Warszawa
Młodszy tester gier (T-Bull) Wrocław
QA Tester (CRYENGINE) (Crytek GmbH) Frankfurt am Main
👉 Management / C-Level
Lead Games PM / Producer (LILA GAMES) Bangalore
Game Producer (Unity) (24Play) Kyiv
Project Manager for Gamedev (Latin America) (Devoted Studios) Remote
Senior Product Manager (ZeptoLab) Barcelona
Game Producer (Flime by Gismart) (Gismart) Remote, Portugal, relocate
Senior IT Project Manager (Tencent) Amsterdam
Lead Producer (Techland) Wrocław
Blockchain Product Owner (ADC Company) (BoomBit S.A.) Gdańsk
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Head of User Acquisition (APPSULOVE) Remote
User Acquisition Team Lead (Plure) Remote
CMO Chief Marketing Оfficer (AppsHub) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (Holy Water) (HolyWater) Remote
UA Manager (Udonis) Remote
Senior Marketing Manager (CI Games S.A.) Warszawa
User Acquisition Manager (Ten Square Games S.A) Wrocław
Junior PR & Marketing Specialist (T-Bull) Wrocław
👉 Analytics
Product analyst (BERESNEV GAMES) Prague
Manager, Market Insights (Scopely) Barcelona
Game Analyst (BoomBit S.A.) Gdansk
Business Analyst (Talentgrator) Warsaw
Business Analyst (Kevuru Games) Remote
Business Analyst/Product Owner (Fyber GmbH) Berlin
Senior Growth Analyst (Ten Square Games S.A) Wrocław
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