Looking for a new adventure in the gaming industry? Welcome to the weekly top of current games industry jobs, brought to you by InGame Job and Values Value. So dust off that resume and let’s find your next level up! 👇

👉 Programming
Middle Unity Developer (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote, Limassol
UE Engineer (Vehicles) (tinyBuild) Belgrade
Unreal Engine Developer (Values Value) Remote
C++ Developer (4Friends) Remote Ukraine
C++ Game Developer (Ubisoft) Kyiv
Gameplay Programmer (Games Factory Talents) Amsterdam
Lead Unity Developer (Ejaw) Remote
Senior Unity Developer (Sperasoft) Krakow,Warsaw
Unreal Engine 5 (C++) Developer (Reveal Studios) Remote
👉 Art
3D Artist (VSQUAD studio) Dnipro
Senior Weapon Artist (tinyBuild) Remote, Relocate Latvia, Serbia
MOTION DESIGNER (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Bulgaria
3D Animator (Ubisoft) Kyiv
Senior 2D Artist Generalist (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Cyprus
Middle / senior 3D props artist (Call of Duty) (Ulysses Graphics) Kyiv
2D Artist (RocketBrush Studio) Remote
Experienced Game Artist (Studio Firefly) Bucharest
VFX Artist (Sperasoft) Krakow,Warsaw
2D Motion Designer (Glera Games) Vilnius
👉 Game Design
Senior/Lead Game Designer (Values Value) Remote
Senior Game Designer (tinyBuild) Belgrade,Riga
Technical Game Designer (4Friends) Ukraine
Game Designer (Bermuda Adventures) (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus
Lead Game Designer (Highcore) Remote
Narrative Designer (Decartel) Remote
Game Designer (Gear Inc) Milan
👉 QA / Testing
Game QA Automation Lead (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Armenia, Bulgaria
QA Engineer (tinyBuild) Belgrade
Strong QA junior (Xoilium Ltd) Remote
QA Engineer (Decartel) Remote
(Senior) QA Tester (f/m/d) (Kolibri Games) Berlin
Senior QA Tester (Sumo Group plc) Leamington Spa
Senior Test Automation Engineer | Farm Heroes (KING) Barcelona
👉 Management / C-Level
Associate Producer (Ubisoft) Kyiv
Producer (Bermuda Adventures) (Belka Games) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania
Publishing Manager (Hitapps) Remote
SENIOR PRODUCER NEW IP (4A Games) Relocate Malta
Project Manager (Crooto Software) Limassol, Remote
Product Owner (BoomBit) Gdansk
Data Producer (Electronic Arts) Cologne
Director of Product (Epic Games) London
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
HEAD OF USER ACQUISITION (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Bulgaria
Monetization manager (Gismart) Remote, Relocate Poland, Portugal
Senior User Acquisition Manager (APPSULOVE) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (casual games) (PlayMe Studio) Remote, Ukraine
Middle Copywriter (Kevuru Games) Kyiv
User Acquisition Manager (Vira Games) Remote
Content manager (BOSS. Gaming Solutions) Bucharest
ASO Manager (Scorewarrior) Limassol
👉 Analytics
Data Analyst (Hypercell Games) Remote, Latvia
Game Analyst (Values Value) Remote
Аналітик даних (MysteryTag) Remote, Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Turkey
Game Analyst (Neskin Games) Remote, Georgia, Poland
Senior Software Engineer (Epic Games) London
Associate Product Data Analyst (Bigpoint) Hamburg
Broadcast Engineering Manager (Riot Games) Berlin
Data Scientist (Voodoo) Paris
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