Discover the latest and greatest job opportunities in the games industry with the weekly top jobs. Compiled by InGame Job and Values Value 👇

👉 Programming
Lead Unity Developer (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote
Technical Director (Values Value) Remote
Lead Gameplay Programmer (UE5) (Games Factory Talents) Remote
Golang Developer (Glera Games) Vilnius
UE4/5 Developer Middle (SolidCore Games) Remote
Senior Unity Developer (Gradient) Remote
Middle / Senior C++ UE Developer (Ulysses Graphics) Kyiv
👉 Art
Lead 3d Modeller (Values Value) Remote
Environment Concept Artist (tinyBuild) Remote, Relocate Serbia
2D Principal Puzzle Grind Artist (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Bulgaria, Poland
2D / Concept Artist (middle, junior) (VSQUAD studio) Dnipro
Middle-Senior VFX Artist (Gear Inc) Remote
Senior UI/UX Designer (Games Factory Talents) Relocate Denmark
Lead 2D Artist (Smart Project) Remote
Senior character artist (Ulysses Graphics) Kyiv
👉 Game Design
Senior Level Designer (Values Value) Remote, Relocate Cyprus
Level Designer (Eschatology Entertainment) Remote
Game Designer (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior Game Designer (Kindda) Remote, Singapore
Game Designer (Vira Games) Remote
Middle Game Designer (Vetard Group) Warsaw
👉 QA / Testing
Game QA Engineer (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote
QA Lead (Sumo Group plc) Sheffield
QA Tester – Web Team (Crytek) Frankfurt am Main
QA Tester (full-time) (UNIT9) London
Temporary Videogame Tester – French (Electronic Arts) Madrid
Test Automation Developer (CrazyLabs) Skopje
👉 Management / C-Level
Product Manager (Hypercell Games) Remote
CEO (Values Value) Remote
GAME PRODUCER (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
Producer (New Project) (Belka Games) Remote
Senior Project Manager (Whimsy Games) Remote
Product Manager (Gameforge AG) Karlsruhe
Producer (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
PPC marketak/markeiacka (Tinysoft s.r.o) Brno
Social Media Marketing Manager (Gameforge) Karlsruhe
Marketing Lead (Tamatem Games) Remote
Marketing Manager (game dev) (TwinWinGames) Remote
Senior Brand Manager (Build A Rocket Boy) Edinburgh
User Acquisition Manager (Voodoo Germany GmbH) Paris
Influencer Manager II DACH (Riot Games) Berlin
Marketing Director (R23825) (Epic Games) Berlin
👉 Analytics
Product Analyst (Smart Project) Dnipro
Senior Data Engineer (Java/Scala) (GAMETEQ) Remote, Georgia
Head of Analytics (Bini Games) Remote
Senior Analyst FP&A – Contract (KING) London
Senior Data Analyst – Blitz (Voodoo) Paris
Data Analyst (SEGA Europe Limited) Leamington Spa
Data Analyst (m/f/d) (PLAION GmbH) Munich
PHD Research Engineer Intern (Epic Games) Munich
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