Ready for some fresh job opportunities in the gaming world? InGame Job and Values Value are here to help you land your dream job in the industry. Our weekly top picks are a must-see for anyone looking to level up their career 👇

👉 Programming
Senior Unity Developer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Lithuania, Cyprus
Lead Unity Developer (Crooto Software) Limassol
Unreal Engine 5 Developer (Values Value) Remote
Lead С++ Developer (Volmi – A Virtuos Studio) Kyiv
Game Developer (C++ / UE4) (Games Factory Talents) Frankfurt am Main
Senior C++ Developer (Home Games) Kyiv
AI Programmer (GSC Game World) Kyiv,Prague
Gameplay Programmer (UE5) (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
👉 Art
Art Lead (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior Level Artist (Values Value) Remote
Middle UI/UX Designer (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Remote Georgia, Lithuania
2D Character Artist (G5 Entertainment) Remote Relocate Bulgaria, Cyprus
Level Artist (FPS; UE4) (tinyBuild) Remote, Serbia Ukraine
Lead 2D Environment Artist (Legou Games) Kyiv
Senior 3D Animator (Ringtail Studios) Chisinau
👉 Game Design
Game Designer (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior Game Designer (Values Value) Remote, Relocate Cyprus
Lead Level Designer (Eschatology Entertainment) Remote, Cyprus
Head of Narrative (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania
Lead/Senior Game Designer (UGI studio) Remote
Senior Game Designer (Glera Games) Vilnius
Interactive story writer (PlayMe Studio) Remote
Game Designer (Pixward Studios) Remote
👉 QA / Testing
Game QA Automation Lead (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Lithuania, Ukraine
QA Engineer in Product Company (Program-Ace) Remote
QA Lead (m/f/d) (Deca Games) Remote
Associate Quality Designer (Electronic Arts) Bucharest
👉 Management / C-Level
Team Lead (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Remote
GAME PRODUCER (G5 Entertainment) Remote
Producer (Values Value) Remote
Senior Game Producer (relocation) (Gear Inc) Remote
Senior Art Producer (AAA projects) (Volmi – A Virtuos Studio) Kyiv
Product Owner (BoomBit S.A.) Gdansk
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Internet Marketing Manager (G5 Entertainment) Remote
PPC Marketing Manager (Tinysoft) Brno
ASO Manager (Scorewarrior) Limassol
User Acquisition Manager (Scorewarrior) Limassol
(Senior) Global CRM Manager (m/f/d) (Koch Media) Munich
Senior Monetisation Designer (Square Enix) London
👉 Analytics
Game Analyst (Values Value) Remote
Senior Product Analyst (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania
Senior analyst (Redpad Games) Almaty, Remote
Data Scientist (Hitapps) Remote
Product Analyst (Glera Games) Remote
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