
Take Part In The Anonymous Survey To Make The Games Industry More Transparent

The annual Big Games Industry Employment Survey is now live!
Take Part In The Anonymous Survey To Make The Games Industry More Transparent - Boost InGame Job

As always, the results of this study will be published for everyone to communicate how much game dev specialists earn depending on their profession, specialization, experience, location, and work specifics. You will learn how the talents in the games industry feel. What are the working conditions? What are perks and benefits on the market? How many people work overtime?

This makes it possible for games companies and employees to understand the labor market better and make working in the industry easier and more transparent.

It’s anonymous.

It will only take 5-10 minutes.

It is organized by a professional community interested in making the games industry a better place to work. This is the seventh time we have conducted such a survey and we collect thousands of responses.

Take the survey right now.

We will accept responses up to 01 June 2023.

We will share the results on 01 July 2023 on the InGame Job platform.

The Big Games Industry Employment Survey 2023 is conducted by Values Value, the recruiting company, and the InGame Job platform for finding jobs.


  • DevGAMM, the games industry conference
  • Games Gathering, the games industry conference
  • GDBAY, international networking platform for games industry

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