
How to Develop a Career in GameDev And Change Jobs

How to Develop a Career in GameDev And Change Jobs - Boost InGame Job
Globally, the world has changed. Now it is unpredictable, restless, non-linear, fast-moving. Our skills must correspond to modernity. What worked before works no more. Change strategy, constantly develop, acquire new skills, dig deep, demonstrate flexibility and resilience. It doesn't matter if you are an expert with 10 years of experience or a first year in the profession - these rules apply anyway.

Let’s meet at Games Gathering Lviv 2024!

Let’s meet at Games Gathering Lviv 2024! - Boost InGame Job

29 Feb – 3 March the Games Gathering conference will be held in Lviv, Ukraine. We are delighted to announce that our team members will be there to meet up with you: Anna Vashchenko, Recruitment Lead; Valeriia Bakhvalova, Head of…