The war in Ukraine unleashed by the Russian Federation continues to affect the gaming market. We wrote about the Ukrainian market separately. And in this short post we will show where the isolation of the Russian and Belarusian markets leads to.

The research was conducted by the recruiting company Values Value and the platform with all vacancies in the game development InGame Job.
In the first quarter of 2022, Russian companies published 5,255 vacancies on industrial job portals. And in the second quarter, there were only 2,694 vacancies.

Things are even worse on the Belarusian job market. The number of vacancies decreased by half in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the first quarter. Now there are only 545 vacancies.

Below you will find a list of Russian and Belarusian companies that hired the most in the second quarter of 2022.

Most gaming industry specialists were looking for in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Minsk – there are no surprises here. But please compare the number of vacancies by city by looking at the same period in 2021 (the second quarter of a year).

Ukrainian Games Industry in The Times of War / Tanja Loktionova on DevGAMM stream