Let us simplify your job search! InGame Job and Values Value have checked and compiled the best opportunities in the games industry for you. All you need to do is choose 👾

👉 Programming
Senior Unity Developer (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior/ Lead Backend Engineer (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Poland, Ukraine
Unity Developer (New Project) (Belka Games) Georgia, Remote
TypeScipt Technical Lead (Playtika) Kyiv, Vinnitsa
Full stack Lead/Architect (Rust/React) (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Senior Fullstack Developer (Node.js/React) (SkillCampVR) Remote
Senior Unity Developer (Deemedya) Remote
Senior Python Backend Developer (Rabbit Games) Remote
Senior Unity Developer (Neskin Stars) Remote, Poland
👉 Art
Technical Animator (Eschatology Entertainment) Remote
3D Generalist (Hypercell Games) Remote
Senior 2D Artist (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Relocate, Remote, Georgia
Art Lead (Match-3) (VIZOR APPS) Remote
Lead Environment Artist Assassin’s Creed Franchise (Ubisoft) Kyiv
3D Modeller (RioRise) Dubai
Lead VFX Artist (Holmgard Games) Remote
UX/UI Дизайнер (RioRise) Dubai
👉 Game Design
Game Designer (RioRise) Dubai
Middle Game Designer (Scorewarrior) Relocate, Cyprus
Game Designer (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Game Designer (Virtual Alchemy) Warsaw
Game Balance Designer (GAMETEQ) Remote, Georgia
Game Designer (FLEXUS) Kyiv
Game Designer (Program-Ace) Remote
👉 QA / Testing
Middle / Senior QA (Jam Style) Remote
Lead QA Engineer (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Remote
Head of Quality (RioRise) Dubai
Automation QA Engineer (Wargaming) Serbia
QA Team Lead — Game Dev (Playwing) Remote
Backend QA Engineer (Strikerz Inc.) Remote, Cyprus, Georgia
Manual QA Engineer (MysteryTag) Remote, Ukraine
QA Game Tester (Playwing) Remote
Middle Manual QA Engineer (MysteryTag) Kyiv
👉 Management / C-Level
Head of New Products (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Spain, Lithuania
Game Producer (RnD) (Belka Games) Remote
Game Producer (RioRise) Dubai
Publishing Producer (Values Value) Remote
Project Manager (Gamedev) (mainx) Remote
QA Manager (Strikerz Inc.) Remote, Cyprus, Georgia
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Marketing Analyst (Joyteractive) Remote Cyprus, Poland, Serbia
User Acquisition Manager (Values Value) Remote
Head of PR/Brand Manager (SEOBROTHERS) Limassol
Lead Marketing Manager (Junkineering) Remote, Cyprus
Lead Monetization Manager (Bini Games) Remote
CMO (iGaming) (SEOBROTHERS) Limassol, Warsaw
User Acquisition Manager (Ad networks) (HOLYWATER) Kyiv, Porto, Warsaw
👉 Analytics
Senior Data Analyst (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland
Game Analyst (ZIMAD) Remote
Marketing Data Analyst (Wargaming) Belgrade
Data Scientist (Strikerz Inc.) Tbilisi
Data Analyst (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
Business Analyst (Kevuru Games) Remote, Ukraine
Data Engineer (Gameplay Galaxy) Remote