New week, new career possibilities! InGame Job and Values Value present the freshest job opportunities in games. Don’t wait—start applying now!

👉 Programming
C++ Developer (Values Value) Relocate, Remote, Malaysia
Senior Unity Developer (Belka Games) Remote, Georgia, Montenegro
Playable Ads Developer (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Remote, Cyprus, Poland
Unity Developer (SDK) (Joyteractive) Remote, Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland
Senior C# Backend Developer (Rabbit Games) Remote, Poland
Python Backend Developer (World of Warships, PC) (Wargaming) Remote
Unity Developer (Mid-Core) (X-FLOW) Remote
👉 Art
Lead VFX Artist (Values Value) Remote
Motion Designer (Unity) (MoveUp Recruiting Agency) Remote
Art Director (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Remote, Georgia, Montenegro
3D Layout Artist (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Cyprus, Georgia, Poland
Senior 2D Concept Artist (Qubit Labs) Remote
Senior Environment Artist (G-Space Studio) Remote
Senior 3D Animator (Frogwares) Kyiv
2D Marketing Artist (Plummy Games) Remote, Estonia
👉 Game Design
Senior Game Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Georgia, Montenegro
Lead Level Designer (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland
Game Designer (Jam Style) Remote
Lead Game Writer (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
UI/UX Designer (Mobile Gaming) (DNA325) Remote
Game Designer (MIBL) Remote
Combat Designer (Virtual Alchemy) Remote
Game Designer (AB Games) Kyiv, Rivne
👉 QA / Testing
Senior QA Engineer (Clockmaker) (Belka Games) Remote
Head of Quality (RioRise) Dubai
Senior/Middle QA Engineer (Glera Games) Remote
DevArt QA Engineer (Strikerz Inc.) Cyprus, Georgia
Game QA engineer (FARCANA) Remote
Mobile Key QA Engineer (Appsyoulove) Remote, Georgia, Poland
👉 Management / C-Level
Publishing Producer (Values Value) Remote
Senior Product Owner | Publishing manager (Mamboo Entertainment) Remote
Game Designer (iGaming) (TwinWinGames) Remote, Estonia, Georgia, Croatia, Ukraine
Game Product Manager (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
Game Producer (RioRise) Dubai
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Middle User Acquisition Manager (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Remote, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland
User Acquisition Manager (Values Value) Remote
Creative Manager (ZIMAD) Remote
Affiliate Manager: Lat Am Market (WinWin.bet) Remote, Brazil, Cyprus, Ukraine
Influencer Marketing Specialist (Ansvery) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (Games) (PlayMe Studio) Remote, Ukraine
👉 Analytics
Senior Analytics Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Georgia, Montenegro
Senior Data Analyst (VIZOR APPS LIMITED) Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland
SOC Engineer (G5 Entertainment AB) Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan
Marketing Data Analyst (Wargaming) Belgrade
Business Intelligence Analyst (BOSS. Gaming Solutions) Remote, Ukraine
Data Analyst (Strikerz Inc.) Remote, Cyprus, Tbilisi