Curious about the hottest job opportunities in the games industry right now? 🔥 Check out the top current jobs, meticulously collected by InGame Job and Values Value. Your dream job might be just a click away! 💼

👉 Programming
Mobile Game Developer (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote
Lead Unity Developer (Belka Games) Remote, Cyprus, Montenegro, Ukraine
Senior C++ Engine Programmer (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
JavaScript Developer (Playtika) Kyiv,Dnipro,Vinnitsa
Senior / Lead AI Programmer (CI Games) Remote
Middle C++ Developer (Plummy Games) Chisinau
Technical Director (Gear Inc) Milan
👉 Art
Environment artist (VSQUAD studio) Dnipro
Senior 2D Animator (Bermuda) (Belka Games) Remote, Montenegro, Ukraine
Concept Artist (Plarium) Lviv,Warsaw
Material/Texture Artist (Values Value) Remote
Technical Artist (Solitaire Cruise) (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Ukraine
Environment Artist (Unreal Engine) (Pixward Studios) Remote
3D Character Artist (Photoreal) (Volmi – A Virtuos Studio) Kyiv
3D Animator (Facial) (GSC Game World) Prague
👉 Game Design
Senior Game Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Lithuania, Ukraine
Narrative Designer (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote
Game Designer (tinyBuild) Belgrade
Lead Game Designer (Games Factory Talents) Remote, Relocate Serbia
Senior Narrative Designer (4A Games) Kyiv
CRM Graphic Designer (AppReal) Remote, Ukraine
AI Game Designer (Strikerz Inc.) Remote Cyprus, Georgia, Ukraine
Game Artist / Research Associate 3D Modeling m/f/d (TH Köln) Cologne
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Lithuania, Montenegro
Middle Manual QA Engineer (AB Games) Kyiv,Rivne
Senior QA Engineer (tinyBuild) Belgrade
Web/Backend QA Engineer (APPSULOVE) Remote
QA Engineer (Zibra AI Inc.) Kyiv
👉 Management / C-Level
Project Manager (Values Value) Remote
Project Manager (Belka Games) Remote Relocate Cyprus, Montenegro, Ukraine
Product Manager (Hypercell Games) Remote
Project Manager (G5 Entertainment AB) Remote, Relocate Armenia, Bulgaria
Senior Publishing Manager (BoomBit S.A.) Remote
Project/Delivery Manager (Junkineering) Remote
Game Producer (Gamzix) Kyiv
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Junior Marketing Manager (Crooto Software Ltd.) Remote
Lead ASO Manager (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Montenegro, Ukraine
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Co-Founder (MEANDR GAMES) London
GameDev Program Strategic Marketing Leader (Program-Ace) Remote
Senior User Acquisition Manager (APPSULOVE) Remote
Marketing Specialist (Dreams Quest) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (Burny Games) Remote, Ukraine
👉 Analytics
Senior Product Analyst (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Data Analyst (Hypercell Games) Remote Latvia
Senior Product Analyst (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Product Analyst (Playgendary) Remote
Senior UA Analyst (APPSULOVE) Remote
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