It’s May the 4th and InGame Job and Values Value are bringing you the job opportunities you’ve been searching for in the games industry. Check out our top picks for the week and may the force be with you in your job search! 👇

👉 Programming
Unity Developer (Values Value) Remote
Unreal Engine Developer (tinyBuild) Belgrade
Lead Unity Developer VR (Plazma Studio) Remote
Lead Unity Developer (KowiyGames) Almaty, Relocate
Senior Game Developer – C++ (Keywords Studios) Adelaide, Melbourne
Unity Developer (Vira Games) Remote
Unreal Render Developer (Kevuru Games)
Middle Unreal Developer (Arrible) Remote
👉 Art
Senior 2D Аrtist (Belka Games) Remote, Cyprus
2D Art Director (G5 Entertainment) Relocate, Remote, Bulgaria, Cyprus
Senior Environment 3D Artist (tinyBuild) Lviv
Technical Artist (Values Value) Remote, Relocate Cyprus
2D Artist (Backgrounds) (AB Games) Remote
Real-time VFX artist (Walla Walla Studio) Kyiv
Senior UX Designer (Gear Inc) Milan
Gameplay Animator (Strikerz Inc.) Tbilisi
👉 Game Design
Senior Level Designer (Belka Games) Vilnius, Remote
Lead Game Designer (Obelisk Studio) Limassol
Senior Game Designer (Belka Games) Remote, Cyprus
Game designer (Project work) (FgFactory) Remote, Ukraine
Game Designer (APPSULOVE) Remote
Game Designer (Pam Pam Studio) Chernihiv
Senior Level Designer (VOKI Games) Remote
👉 QA / Testing
QA Engineer (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Georgia, Lithuania
Game QA Automation Lead (G5 Entertainment) Remote, Bulgaria, Cyprus
Strong QA junior (Xoilium Ltd) Remote
QA Engineer (Vira Games) Remote
Junior/Middle QA Specialist/Tester (Plummy Games) Chisinau
Technical QA Lead (Square Enix) London
Automation Tools Programmer (Rockstar Games) Edinburgh
(Junior) QA Specialist (f/m/d) (PLAION) Olomouc
👉 Management / C-Level
Product Manager (Hypercell Games) Remote
Producer (Values Value) Remote
Project Manager (MARS12) Warsaw
Art Project Manager (Legou Games) Kyiv
Project Manager (LQTLABS) Remote
Associate Producer (Crytek GmbH) Frankfurt am Main
Design Director (Sumo Group plc) Leamington Spa
👉 Marketing / UA / PR
Marketing Manager (VSQUAD studio) Dnipro
Marketing Manager (cross-promo) (G5 Entertainment) Remote
User Acquisition Manager (Scorewarrior) Limassol
Product Marketing Manager (APPSULOVE) Remote
ASO Manager (Burny Games) Kyiv
Junior Influence Marketing Manager (MOJAM) Remote
👉 Analytics
Senior Product Analyst (Belka Games) Remote, Relocate Cyprus, Lithuania
Data Analyst (Values Value) Remote
Senior Marketing Analyst (Playgendary) Remote
Game Data Analyst (MysteryTag) Hungary, Poland, Romania
Data Analyst (Vira Games) Remote
Mathematician (Onlyplay) Remote
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