In this series of materials, we present your anonymous stories from the Big Games Industry Employment Survey 2023. Let’s reflect on the past year together with you and hope that the year ahead brings more success. Thank you for sharing!
Today we are sharing happy stories about you having been enjoying your jobs.
At the moment, I work for a great company that is loyal to its employees. Which was able to cope with the crisis due to the war in Ukraine. And I love games and gamedev.
I feel incredibly lucky and feel like I won the lottery with my job and salary. I work at a great indie start-up that cares about its employees.
My current employer is really against remote work, so I had to fight (almost literally) for the opportunity to work remotely. Fortunately, I got this opportunity, but that’s the reason I would advise anyone to think twice before applying to my company.
I’ve recently joined my company and I couldn’t be happier. Before this, I was working in an indie company for a year and then freelancing, so this full-time job now is the best path I could ever find. The company gave me a PC and other devices, currently helping me to relocate. The managers, leads, and other colleagues are the kindest and sweetest people. I was really trying hard for the past 1.5 years, and now I know that it was absolutely worth it. I hope to stay in this company for a long time 🙂
I have wonderful teammates in the outsourcing company, who are brilliant and know a whole bunch, so it was such a blessing when they offered me a job, especially considering the payment!
Even though it can be very chaotic, it never gets boring, and I have much flexibility. My best friend asked me spontaneously if I could accompany him on a 2-week camping car trip to see the northern lights. The same evening I asked my boss if I could take some days off and work the rest remotely from our Airbnb. He agreed instantly and was really happy for me. He said things like “OMG You have to do it!” and things like that. Really supportive 🙂
I just want to say thank you for the work done and your hard work. It’s interesting to watch your statistics every year, it helps me a lot in my life and in my career. Thank you very much, I will look forward to the results.
Have fun and enjoy your life. You can fall into depression at any time, and sadly, but no one will help you to get through this. You won’t be happy to die in overtime and deadlines, alone in your room while there is a war in your country. Make your life bright before the shadow will fall.
Poland has very robust employee protections that the employers have to abide by, and it has fairly low cost of living. Also, my company has been doing significant salary revision, my salary increased by 40% in the last two years.
Thank you for what you’re doing for the industry <3 <3 <3
Давайте, держим кулачки. Делаем, что можем, там где мы есть, с тем что у нас есть. Не растим внутри демона, направляем свои силы нужным образом. Не забываем о близких, о своём психическом и физическом здоровье. Однажды закончится борьба с безумцами и людоедами, но до этого момента нужно сохранить в себе человечность, чтобы построить общество на более прочном фундаменте – равноправии, гуманности и свободе слова. Здесь в темноте ты идёшь не один, однако всё у нас получится. Чести и удачи, товариші. Героям слава.