Natalia Tkachenko, Lead Recruiter of QS Games, shared some useful tips and answers to popular questions about job hunting and career development in 2024.

The evolution of recruiting over the past two years
In 2022, the IT and game development industry changed the rules of the game. In Ukraine, for the first time in 10 years, employment in this field fell by 13%. The right to choose was transferred to the companies, and the candidates unexpectedly found themselves on the bench, where everyone wants to be chosen. To take the lead in the employment marathon, you need to know the new rules and adapt to them. I was on the other side of the barricades because in March 2022, I transferred to a new company. Don’t be afraid of change; build up your expertise and competences, train your professional muscles.
Strategies and tips for successful competitiveness in 2024
First of all, we need to understand the context in which we live. Globally, the world has changed. Now it is unpredictable, restless, non-linear, fast-moving. Our skills must correspond to modernity. What worked before works no more. Change strategy, constantly develop, acquire new skills, dig deep, demonstrate flexibility and resilience. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert with 10 years of experience or a first year in the profession – these rules apply anyway.

Creating a favorable personal brand: how to stand out among other candidates and increase your chances of receiving an offer
Adjust your resume for each vacancy you respond to. Adapt information about your achievements, key results and previous experience in accordance with the requirements specified in the specific job. Let every word in your resume say, “I have exactly the expertise, knowledge, and skills to help close your business needs.” Everything that does not reflect this – remove and change.

There are tons of resume writing tips and templates online now. Analyze them and make your perfect resume. The main ones – it should be no longer than 2 pages, structured and visually understandable from the first seconds of interaction with it.
Any process in life requires our energy and time, job search is no exception. Getting a job offer requires discipline, time, and a systematic approach. Create a professional LinkedIn page, be active there, develop your network of contacts, publish expert posts and share information that you are open to offers. Search for vacancies on all available resources: LinkedIn, InGame Job, DOU, communities in Discord, Telegram, as well as directly on company websites.
Among the hundreds of candidates with whom I communicated during the entire time of work, I remembered by name those who impressed me with their preparation for the interview. I remember a candidate for a Java Dev position who researched the company and its owners in detail, looked at the team’s technical experience on LinkedIn, dug into the product and found several critical flaws. During the communication, he put forward quite successful proposals for their solution. I think the ending of this story is clear to everyone: he was offered the highest possible rate for the vacancy.
Prepare for the interview, think over the answers to possible questions of the recruiter. Their list can be found on Google. The recruiter evaluates not only what you say, but also how exactly you form sentences and express your opinion. Don’t tell too much, especially about things you haven’t been asked. Answers should be constructive, clear, do not deviate from the topic. Radiate confidence in your words, in yourself, in the fact that you will cope with the tasks. An interview is a kind of sales process. You have a set of skills and competencies that the company is willing to buy. If the seller is unsure and shy about offering the product, the queue for him will never appear. Always ask for detailed feedback. It will help to analyze errors and show up better on the next interview.

Effective cover letter: how to get the recruiter’s attention
A cover letter is an often-overlooked trump card, up a candidate’s sleeve. Learn all the information about the company, available on the Internet, its projects, products, examine social networks and compose a letter. It should not be too long – approximately half a page of A4 format, individually written according to the company’s values, its culture, requirements specified in the vacancy. In it, tell them why you are interested in this job and the company, how your expertise will strengthen the team, what previous experience will help you complete the tasks, and how the company’s values resonate with yours. The letter should not repeat information that is already in the resume. It’s good if your cover letter casually shows that you’ve dug deep and know more about the company.
Social networks: advantage or disadvantage?
Working on your personal brand on social media is the business card of the 21st century. If you plan to develop a career in a corporate culture, pay attention to what you broadcast through your social networks. In my practice, there were cases when hiring managers rejected candidates after viewing their Instagram and Facebook pages.
In conclusion, I want to mention that despite the unpredictability of modern times and constant changes in the market, every step you take, every new skill and analyzed mistake is an important stage in professional growth. By combining talents with perseverance, flexibility and a systematic approach, you will definitely succeed! The main thing is to clearly understand your purpose and set goals for your career compass.