While some of the Ukraine gaming industry has managed to find growth despite the war, others are still adjusting. Back at devcom, a panel discussion was given on how the war is impacting the Ukrainian games industry, and now, in this guest post, Katya Sabirova, Head of Communications at Values Value & InGameJob, follows up on the discussion to analyse the facts and numbers centred around the games industry in Ukraine and sharing panelists opinions.
Breaking into the game development industry requires a combination of a strong online presence, determination, and an active approach to seeking opportunities. By following these steps from Values Value and maintaining your passion for gaming, you'll be well on your way to realizing your dream career in the world of game development.
In this article, we traditionally analyze the vacancy market of the Ukrainian games industry. The year 2022 has severely hit the industry, there is a serious drop in the market.
In this article, we will tell you about the salary expectations of candidates of different professions in the games industry from the InGame Job database.