Still, at the current place of work, it was not possible to agree on an increase. They say the time is not right, they say there will be a big bonus at the end of the project, be patient. And you have less and less faith in the project, and you don’t want to be dependent on other people in the team. In general, you have already made a decision - you will quit. The only question is when - right now, to express your dissatisfaction, or later?
Wrong answer. It's better to prepare for a job change. Although we agree, there are situations in which it is better not to delay dismissal - and they are related to health. Take care of yourself. Here you can watch the public talk of Tanja Loktionova, Founder Values Value, on how not to burn out.
Correct answer! Obviously, you answered correctly. Recall that you have been working at this place for the fifth year. The market has changed, the requirements for specialists in your profile have also changed. It is in your interest to check your skills with what they write in vacancies. It is possible to master some skills, take a course, and improve something.
It is difficult for many candidates to determine their level - who am I: a middle with managerial skills or a senior? And if I am a middle in terms of hard skills, but for the last two years I have been managing people, can I apply for higher managerial positions? Or do I need to improve my hard skills?

Communication with colleagues (not only from your current company) can help. It is useful to be in the community, exchange expertise, and ask for feedback. All of this helps to evaluate yourself and your level. And as a result - to have a clear argument and an adequate salary request in negotiations with a future employer.
Also, we at Values Value always advise candidates to stay in touch with recruiters, recruiters can be a very useful source of information about the market and the requirements of companies.