
Will You Be Able To Negotiate a Salary Increase

Negotiations about a salary are delicate and often painful for both sides. Few people teach this. Take the InGame Job test to find out what awaits you — promotion or disappointment.
Will You Be Able To Negotiate a Salary Increase - Boost InGame Job

Will You Be Able To Negotiate A Salary Increase?


"When I asked for a promotion, they told me my husband earns well enough."

"I asked about the promised annual bonus, and they told me I was promoted after a probationary period, so there would be no bonus."

"I brought an offer from another company and said I wouldn't quit if an employer raises my salary. I was promoted, and I stayed. A month later, they found a replacement employee, and I was asked to leave the company."

Negotiations about a salary are delicate and often painful for both sides. Few people teach this. Take the InGame Job test to find out what awaits you — promotion or disappointment.

* What are the correct answers? We compiled this test based on the practice of negotiations of many candidates with many companies in the games industry. The correct answers in this test correspond to the maximum win-win solutions.

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Monday allready

So, the situation. You have been working in a large game studio for five years. And you managed to grow from a line employee to a team leader. As a team leader, your salary was reviewed only once — a year and a half ago. There are no planned salary revisions in the company. Recently, a colleague from a neighboring department asked for a raise, and they promised to raise him for the New Year, which is still five months away. You also want to earn more. What will you do?

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Still, at the current place of work, it was not possible to agree on an increase. They say the time is not right, they say there will be a big bonus at the end of the project, be patient. And you have less and less faith in the project, and you don’t want to be dependent on other people in the team. In general, you have already made a decision - you will quit. The only question is when - right now, to express your dissatisfaction, or later?

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So, you have carefully prepared for a job change, studied the market, correctly wrote your CV. Recruiters love you. You're doing great job interviews. One company really likes you and you like both their product and the HR brand, and from your friends you heard only positive reviews about this company. You go through several rounds of interviews - and finally the conversation touched on salary expectations. How will you act?

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So, you announced the desired salary, backed up your request with knowledge of the market, full of inspiration to start working, you are waiting for the response of the hiring manager. The manager frowns and suggests such a scheme: you start with a lower salary, but after a three-month trial period you will have a review, and then you will get what you want. What do you think?

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You have been working on a dream project in a new position for almost two years now. You got a pay raise after your probationary period, as you requested. The company encourages your desire to develop and learn new things: you have passed several online courses at the expense of the employer, went to a conference, and on Fridays a foreign language teacher comes to your office. In addition, you have a guaranteed annual bonus, health insurance, hot meals and 20% compensation of your monthly sports expenses. In general, everything is cool. But then, out of the blue: hunting! A friend invites you to a project (also an interesting one!). He is ready to give a salary twice as much as you have. And to be honest, it's very tempting. What will you do?

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