In this series of materials, we present your anonymous stories from the Big Games Industry Employment Survey 2023. Let’s reflect on the past year together with you and hope that the year ahead brings more success. Thank you for sharing!
Today we are sharing stories about money, income satisfaction and career challenges. It is the last article from this series. See you soon with the new survey, the Big Games Industry Employment Survey 2024 🙂
I asked recently for a raise, and it was refused. I was told I earn too much to get more, and that my colleagues don’t earn that much as well. We can’t share with each other how much we earn.
I just have been “optimized” today because of high salary requirements that were set before the crisis.
Great disappointment is to work years without promotion or any professional growth.
Thank you for the survey! I can’t wait to see the results. When I converted my annual salary to EUR, it looked so small that it made me sad 🙁
Well, my life and career is a tragicomedy. I never wanted to work for someone; my dream was to have my own company and do games there. That’s why I spent over 15 years on my company, did several games, none of them were profitable. For these years, I had very low income. Now I am searching for a job to work for someone’s company.
I perform as Project Manager and HR too. Also as an office manager and sometimes as a network/system administrator.
Got stuck doing revisions for almost 4 months, unpaid, because the contract never specified how many revisions, and top brass changed scope constantly.
I work for a company that wants to be a unicorn somehow but instead they’re just being toxic with employees. I feel this a lot as a recruiter cause I communicate with Tops a lot. To be honest it’s my second company in the game industry with the same problem (didn’t happen in web-dev, for example) and I don’t want to believe that it’s a usual situation.
6 months ago I switched projects within my company, due to mobbing, gaslighting, poor resource management, pay rises being granted only to game directors’ best buddies and annoying success propaganda even though the project was visibly dying (lawsuits from our publisher involved).